
brano durata ascolta
1. Sugnari
2. Palermu
3. Abballarò
4. Mparannu a vulari
5. U’ Pisciuzzu
6. Aspittari
7. Quattru fimmini
8. A’ taverna
9. Beddu di matri
10. Sigrita
11. E ti pari nenti
12. Principessa
13. Mari
14. Canò Canò
In Decmber 2004, Valeria Cimò, Matilde Politi and Lajos Zsivkov start the crazy feat of setting to music the poems born from Valeria’s creative insomnia.
The magic formula is made up by mixing: voices, poetry in dialect, chords, skins, winds, accordeon and jew’s harp, melted by the hearth and a drop of irony.
The words catch fragments of real life, lullabies, fairytale and dream which are transformed by the alchemy of the trio.

In 2007 the repertory is graved on a cd, “Sugnari”, published by Folkclub Ethnosuoni.
In 2008 the group, alas!, is given out.

Valeria Cimò - voice, frame drum;
Lajos zsivkov – guitar, kaval, percussions;
Matilde Politi – voice, guitar, accordeon, frame drum, jew’s harp.