21/02/2020 - Sicilian Women Folksongs



Sicilian Women Folksongs


In this album Matilde Politi unveil aspects and sounds from the Sicilian tradition, that are forgotten and never exported abroad: it is the singing of the women of ancient time, hidden in the shadow of the woods and forests, where the water springs fill the caves of a little known Sicily.

The voice is the protagonist of the songs, sometimes accompanied by guitar, or accordeon and violin, mandolino or jews harp, frame drum or tamburino; sometimes the voice remains alone, resounding like the aunt's voice from the past telling us a story, a sung story that tells the troubles of a woman, Genuveffa: she was a saint for the people, becouse of her way to support the injustice and struggle caused by dominant patriarchal culture.



Matilde Politi – voce, chitarra, tamburello

Simona Di Gregorio – voce, organetto, tamburello (in tracks 1, 12, 13, 14, 15)

Alessandro Puglia – violino, mandola (in tracks 6, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16)

Sebastian Torres – chitarra (in tracks 6, 11, 16)

Gabriele Politi – mandolino (in track 3)

Martino Passanisi – marranzano (in tracks 5, 10)

Registrato nella Sala Giuseppe Leopizzi – Arci Tavola Tonda, Palermo in settembre 2018

Registrazione ed editing – Emanuele Bignardelli

Mixaggio e mastering – Maurizio Curcio

Foto di copertina Guido Acquaviva


Felmay Records 2020